Lawton Home Going Green

Lawton home going green, March 8, 2007, KSWO News, Channel 7

“It’s not easy being green.” Kermit the Frog may have been talking about his appearance but it could also apply to a home owner in Lawton. They’re going green meaning they’re doing their part to save energy and the environment by installing solar energy devices in their home.

 Blame it on Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth. That’s what got Dale Nomura and Barbara Boguski thinking about how they could do their part for the environment. Dale sat down at her computer and started searching for solar energy in Lawton.

Barbara says at first she thought it may be hard finding different options in Oklahoma. But she found a company in Tulsa that did exactly what she needed. Barbara says she is finding that Oklahomans are becoming more knowledgeable, interested and concerned about what they can do to make a difference.

Garret Roth and his company Sun City is installing 3 different systems. One will heat the hot water, another will heat the water in the pool and a photovoltaic system will convert sunlight into electricity. Roth says the good news for anyone who installs this type of solar system is they are entitled to a tax break.

If you want to go green, it’ll probably cost you some green. Roth says the cost depends on how much energy you use and how big your home is. Roth says if you plan on being in your home for a several years the systems will eventually pay for themselves.

1 Comment »

  1. Vickabelle said

    Some day I may be able to say ” I knew you when. . .” You and your family have been solar advocates through thick and thin. It is unfortunate that Americans wait until the last moment possible before supporting the least expensive and most environmentally friendly solution to our addiction to foreign oil. I only hope it is not too late.

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